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健康嘆茶盡在SOCIETEA~Healthy Dine @ SocieTea

昔日戰友楚楚,與家人在吉隆坡舊古仔路,開了一間 SOCIETEA CAFE,最近幫襯了這間CAFE,大家都留下好評哦!

SOCIETEA RESTAURANT & CAFE,主要推出各種健康花茶。如果您身在馬六甲,想要嘆一壺健康花茶,肯定會介紹大家去JASMINE TEA HOUSE啦!




SOCIETEA provides fragrant flower teas, flower-inspired desserts and simple good food: that’s us…
P.S: We’re also good for parties, company functions + birthdays!! Yes, catering too!




SOCIETEA 坐落在12, Jalan Kuchai Maju 1, Off Jalan Kuchai Lama, Kuchai Entrepreneurs Park

Phone: 03 7982 1822
Mon – Thurs: 10:00 am – 12:00 am
Fri – Sat: 10:00 am – 1:00 am
Sun: 10:00 am – 12:00 am


知道我是誰嗎? 我是旅行足(Travel Kaki) ~ 帶著一雙不斷在旅行的雙足,到處留下足跡的旅行家。 這部落格開設這麼久,都沒有好好介紹我自己。 最近收拾凌亂無比的窩,無意中發現很多舊回憶,被埋藏在厚厚的灰塵底下。 這意外發現,也讓我找到好幾年前拍下的青春照。 由于本人非常滿意當年的灿爛的笑容,更喜歡當时所剪的髮型(慶權仍不喜歡這髮型),決定豁出去啦!把這些照片上載在這兒,讓各位親朋好友欣賞我認為最美的一面。 (其實是獻醜了才是…)

7 則留言

  • 旅人甲

    The food looks good but service is poor, never seen such a rude service where a waiter can shout at the customer. poor poor service, one day will go back again to capture the waiter face post it and let everyone know how bad and how rude the service he provide =[

  • 旅行足

    So sorry to hear that you have such bad experience when you dining @ SocieTea.

    Anyway, I will pass this advice to the operator & hope they take note, as hospitality is the important key in F&B field.



    Dear 旅人甲 (五, 30/04/2010 – 4:55pm ),
    Thank you for coming to try out our place. We really hope you liked the food and drinks we served when you visited us.
    We are sorry and shocked that you had a bad experience at our place as good service is something which we have always upheld and been proud of at SOCIETEA.
    We did a brief internal investigation after reading your post but could not find out when or if the incident occur, so we could not take any follow-up actions. It would be great if you can lodge a complaint on the spot if you ever come across such incidents. We would really appreciate the feedback and will take remedial actions immediately.
    Once again, thank you for your patronage and we hope you will give us a chance to make it up to you when you visit us again.

    Warmest regards,
    The Team @ SOCIETEA


    感谢您光临 SOCIETEA,我们衷心地希望您会喜欢当天呈现的食物和饮品。至于让您在 SOCIETEA 有段不愉快的经历,我们感到非常抱歉,也非常的惊讶,拥有良好的服务态度是我们的宗旨也是我们引以为傲的一项。因无法追踪当天事件的经过,我们也无法做出适当的处理,因此只能感到万分歉意。我们会好好的自我检讨,改进我们的服务态度,也希望您能给于我们机会,再次光临 SOCIETEA。倘若再有服务态度差劲的事情发生,请直接向我们的负责人投诉,这好让我们能有效地处理及找到问题的根源。

    The Team @ SOCIETEA

  • 旅人甲

    i tried their shop after reading here and i love their blackpepper udon! got nice ‘wok hei’ and just spicy enuff… thank u! review more ya…


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